- all of the villagers are goofy looking,all are Caucasian, zero diversity and zero customization besides names.
- every. single. task. takes multiple steps to complete, If you want pears, you have to mine for tin, collect pine, craft a knife, craft a ladder, THEN farm for the pears. If you want to build a fire, you have to mine for sandstone and flint, collect birch, then light your fire. And those are the more simple, less time consuming tasks.
- it takes 8 hours to 2 DAYS to unlock everything, and youre given only three slots to unlock things, if you want to skip it costs an inordinate amount of tokens. The villagers are constantly wanting this or that and you never have a slot open to start crafting or collecting something to keep them happy. So you get stuck with everyone thinking about one thing that takes a couple days to even unlock to START, and cannot collect any happiness to advance. I used twenty of my forty one tokens to finish unlocking the 2nd woodland table early, and find that I now have to start crafting a knife to even start the quest to make the second table, in addition to the Im sure ten more steps after that, and of course the only table I have is occupied, so I now get to wait another two days. Its not even funny at this point.
- I had one female villager accept marriage and she left, so I assumed when one of my male villagers married someone elses female villager, she would come to my village. No. Two random people I dont know just got two of my villagers. Great.
- the amount of ads you have to watch are insane. By far the worst of any mobile game, and I play multiple games constantly when not working. You have to watch four ads just to get milk to feed a baby, TEN to get one spin for tokens. unless you spend real money to buy tokens youre spending more time watching ads then actual gameplay.
- its always freezing and full of glitches. I mean always freezing. Every other time I open it, it freezes and I have to shut it down. Most of the ads it freezes after. Its ridiculous. This game is ridiculous.
IT NEVER STOPS FREEZING. I cant play for more than ten minutes without it freezing and having to shut it down.
Im going to give it another day of attempting to play, which will consist of mostly watching ads and not much gameplay, if it doesnt get any better, Im deleting it for a better village game. This one is awful.